It is with much pleasure that I announce that a collection of my artwork and writings will be forthcoming via Aeon Sophia Press in my first book - title and release date to be announced soon. Aeon Sophia Press is a new publishing house that focuses on and states as its aim 'the support of new and upcoming artists and writers who wish to share their knowledge and ideas concerning the occult and esoteric'. Their first book, Blood from Heaven, was released recently and has been very well received. I look for a formal announcement to arrive some time in mid-May. This is very exciting news for me as it is in many ways the culmination of many years of work. I am currently working on the lay-out for the manuscript and plans are to have it submitted by the end July.

You can visit the Aeon Sophia Press website here:
In regards the work I was doing for the Swedish black-metal band Svartsyn, the image was completed over a month ago and will be going to press on their new EP - The Genesis of Deaths Illuminating Mysteries. A limited vinyl record run of 500.
I am also offering a limited edition of 13, framed, signed and numbered, print run of the original image I did for them. This can be bought for $100, inclusive of shipping worldwide. Payment can be made via PayPal to: For more information please feel free to contact me at:
I am currently in the process of putting together an interview about myself and my work as an artist for the magazine Beyond, which will feature an indepth question and answer interview along with a few pieces of my artwork. As this gets closer to being finished I will make another announcement to let any interested people know when the magazine is to be released and where it might be obtained.
Also would just like to remind everyone that all prints from the Libri ab Sanguis series are still only $20 per print or 3 for $50, that is inclusive of shipping costs within the United States; international shipping costs will be added for those outside of the USA. Please take advantage of this offer while it lasts as the limited edition of this series is running low with many prints sold out entirely.
There is also a selection of original pieces available and can be seen by visiting my Facebook artist page at:
I hope the New Year and Spring has been good to you all and that Fortune smiles upon you. It looks to be a busy, but amazing and interesting year! And remember, any questions or information about prints, originals, or anything else you might want to know, can be directed to myself at:
As always, thank you for your continued interest in my work and many blessings to you all.
Nox Aeternum,
~Lilith's Lantern Press