Friday, December 14, 2012

'The dule Angel: Daemon of the Gallows Plot and beloved Candle of abysmal Lux Viridis'

The Mandrake: a sorcerous receptacle of the mysterious shadow vert. Addorsed from the folkloric imaginings of the radix diaboli, the Mandrake as a polymorphous mask of spiritual transformation which serves to alleviate one from the yoke of samsara is seldom explored beyond the obscure references of modern day cunningcraeft and mystery-specific information disseminated within the parameters and and confines of respective tradition.

Here, taken from the forthcoming monograph: 'The Path of the Green Dragon' by Ash Nostro Morg is a brief excerpt and overview of the dynamic essence of our beloved Mandrakin as the heavenly cunning-candle illuminating the thrice trampled Threshold of Divine Suffering & Transience.

"As a contrary to the vociferous impressing of Infernal sagacity, the Mandragore links to the Mercurial emanation of Jesus: the Magus and Lucifer: the Light-bringer and Solar Star who is as the Lamp of the Hermit and Flame of the Forge. This can be directly related to the exalted status of the Mandrake and the Trinity of Unification: the crucifer root, the alkaloid honey/poison and the fatal scream. These form the path of spirits true ascension into the higher mysteries: The root/body as the vessel of true light within cosmos; the honey/poison being the affective, benumbing-solution which eradicates mortal pain and gives eternal un-life; the deadly scream which is the judgement/justice of the magus and separates the False Light from the True Light. This illuminating force permeates the Mandragore as demonstrated by the link to the Mistletoe and the Oak: the thrice-passed gate of exile from the mundane world; Mandrake-Oak-Mistletoe: Poison Graal-Infernal Gateway-Divine Truth, thus representing Self-Sacrifice/Death leading to the dark realms of Fire and Blood of which beyond is found the noble spirit, partaking the fruits of the Tree of Death to engender suffering; thusly proceeding to taste the sweet nectar of Truth in the form of Divine Light cloaked in Shadow."

 "Adam and Eve with serpent-entwined Psilocybe mushroom (caduceus). Italy [Abbey of Montecassino]; circa 1072 - British Library”.- Mandrake Tree of Edin attended to right of image.

All written work herein is © Ash Nostro Morg - 2012, and may not be re-produced without written consent as per publisher and author perogative.

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