For any who follow my work or hold an interest in what I have going on, here is a small update.
This new year has brought many promising opportunities my way. I am extremely pleased to announce that I will have a 6 image feature along with a short essay 'The Magick of Art(e): Delineations of the Divine' in Issue 2 of the new esoteric art journal Zhoupheus, who state the following as their primary objective...
"Zhoupheus is a bi-annual esoteric magazine. Founded in 2012, it is
conceived to cover a plurality of branches that involve the lore of what
could be called primordial wisdom and its reemergence in the modern
world. Zhoupheus wishes to be a collaborative platform for authors and
artists to share their work and to facilitate the creation of new,
thought-provoking ideas that defy the mundane theoretical standards of

The second publication is Qliphoth Opus II, which will contain two of my images from the Icons of the Void series. This journal is well worth having a look at and it offers a wealth of wisdom for who walk the esoteric path. It is being offered by Aeon Sophia Press, the same publisher who released my book Whisperings from the Void. More information about this publication can be seen here...

Also, still available through Aeon Sophia Press is the standard edition of Whisperings from the Void, which is my own book and is a fusion of my writing and art. Very soon they shall be announcing the deluxe version which has been skillfully crafted by Eamonn Loughran of The Hell Fire Book Club. Images of which can be seen here at the Aeon Sophia Press Facebook page...
And a very exciting development for me was the acceptance of two older images to be featured in the time honoured and respected Stafire: A Journal of the New Aeon brought to us by Starfire Publishing. You should definitely have a look at their site as they are currently offering an awesome selection of books, both current and forthcoming. While you are there, you might as well have a look at the amazing artwork on offer from Kyle Fite as well. One of my favourite modern artists.
In other developments of my own, I have now opened an official website for Lilith's Lantern Press where my artwork can be purchased and features a small selection of pieces that are now available. Please have a look and as always, if you have any questions, do contact at:
I have numerous new pieces available for sale, all of which can be seen either on the website above or on my Facebook page at...
And still available are various images from the limited edition print run of the Libri ab Sanguis series that were featured in my book. These sell for approximately $20 per print, or 3 for $50, plus shipping, and feature some of my more popular pieces such as....
If you wish to see the full series of these images, please visit...
You might also be interested in my other blog, where I post some of my writings and artwork from time to time...
Sorcerous Transmutations
Remember, please feel free to contact me with questions or inquiries, should you have them. I can be contacted via my website, my artpage, or you can email me directly at:
Blessings to you all and thank you for your continued support and patronage!
~ Patrick Larabee/Lilith's Lantern Press
And in the spirit of sharing, I believe you will find the following links of interest....
And in the spirit of sharing, I believe you will find the following links of interest....
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