Sunday, October 13, 2013

Ikonic Triumvirate of Eidolonaic Visions...

~ Dar-Akh-Qayin: Lepunae ~
"I call out into the Darkness and Spaces In-Between.
To you QAYIN, master of Flame.
Brother in the Twilight Artes of Magick Arcane,
Father of the Bloodlines, both Spirit and Flesh,
like two Serpents Twain!"
 * * * * * * *

~ Lilith-Aridatha ~
"Ah Lilith! Lady of the Starry Heavens,
and Mother of the Wise-blooded Cunning-folk
sprung forth from the Seed of Qayin.
I call out to Thee in the Desolate Places of
Wilderness: let Thy Spirit of Fire emanate from
above and illuminate the Earthly Circle
of mine own Arte!"
* * * * * * *

 ~ Azazel-Ha-Arava ~
"O' Lord of Fire-Burning Brightness, Azazel!
I call Thee forth from the Outer-Most-Regions of the Red Deserts of
Forbidden Knowledge, Forgotten Thoughts, and Forsaken Desires.
Through the Wastes of Dudael, beyond the very Edges of the Earth,
my Voice is heard and unto You I beckon, listen to the Words." 
* * * * * * *

* Images and text ©Patrick J. Larabee and Aeon Sophia Press.
Text is from my book Whisperings from the Void & images are from an unpublished manuscript.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Anathema Publishing presents Pillars II: The Golden Etir...

Once again, we have been presented with another stunningly crafted and gloriously sublime edition of Pillars Journal from Anathema Publishing. Throughout its pages one sees a beautiful array of powerful and iconic imagery set amongst numerous essays, articles, and ritual pieces on various aspects of what in common parlance has been termed the Luciferian Path. These wonderfully interwoven images and written works, a fusion of art and The Arte, have come together in Issue 2 of the First Volume of Pillars as The Golden Etir.

It is obvious that every measure was to taken to ensure that this edition would surpass its predecessor, and also initial release from Anathema Publishing, with painstaking detail and glorious layout and design. As befits this issue it has been emblazoned with golden metallic imprints on the cover and spine to reveal the luminosity and enlightenment that comes from drinking deeply of the Divine Poison. 

Many writers and artists grace it pages, some known well and others only just coming from out of the shadows to reveal their amazing visions to us. You will not be disappointed with what this journal has to offer. Have a look for yourself at the list of contributors and contents...

I was pleased to have, once again, been accepted to have my work featured amongst its pages by way of a written and illustrated ritual text and commentary titled 'The Luminous Masquerade of Qayin: Multifarious Adorations unto the Shadow of the Night'. Also, it was a great surprise when I was asked to contribute a small piece of artwork I had done to be featured on a carton card bookmark that is to be included with all copies of Pillars II: The Golden Etir.

 Bookmark to accompany all copies of Pillars II.

A small peek within its pages.

A look at the loose pages from the proof copy. Here you can see works from 
myself, to the left, and to the right, are shown a glance of pieces contributed 
by Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold, CM Vaenus Obscura, and Ash Nostro Morg.

Along with this copy and for contributors only there was blended an incense by the cunning hands of Xonia Abyssos from Teufelskunst. There are however "plans to make available a limited batch together with a signed art print illustrating and evoking the different aspects of our incensus from Teufelskunst" for those interested in obtaining some for themselves

This issue has been printed to a limited number of 230 copies, 30 of which will be going to contributors, and from what information I have there are only near half remaining for purchase. So it would be wise to grab a copy before they are sold out completely. To obtain a copy of this exquisite journal for yourself, please follow the link provided below:

"Germane to the Dissolution, Incineration and Amalgation of the Golden Mean into the very-tincture of The Soul, The Flesh and The Spiritual Blood; Unified so as to fashion each own Philosopher’s Stone, The Apple & The Poison of Old, & hence honour with Words, Deeds & Will, under the royal auspice of Lord LuxFerre, Our Great Mother; Sapientia Alchimique.

Semantics and symbolism have always been used as a method of transferance from one restricted point of perception toward a more exalted objective view of the (w)hole. In this respect, ancient symbols have proven most efficient a Message from Above & Below for The Adept to utilise within praxes. - Anathema Publishing encourages contributors to exploit this dual faculty of Language and Logos; to shy not digging deep into the allegorical interpretation of The Golden Eitr and bite down its tender flesh!

Once again, it is time for PILLARS to rise high & shed its Trans-Liminal Light over the Cosm'Conundrum. }{ .As the Wytch of Eld would say "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes..." 

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